2. The pros and cons of Marcie Gaines’ five-point plan:
Pros: None of any retail outlet would be closed more than 30 days, this ensure that the company will not lose too much profit while still stay competitive in the minds of its consumers. Continue to supervise both company owned store and independent dealers, no one better understand customers than salespeople, a professional building trust relationship. Corresponding the regional sale manager’s objectives with salespeople’s objective allows stronger bonding relationship teamwork and convenience to make any change for the future.
Cons: Sales volume objectives for …show more content…
Gaines should go back to examine the problem that caused independent stores not doing well, and trying to understand the situation. To address the problem probably, Gaines need to listen what the regional management team have to say, then work together as a team to come a better plan to solve the problem not just focused on how to increase sale volume without consider the reality. It is good to keep market share as high as possible; however, as the top management, Gaines needs to patient and be willing to make any adjustment to better outcome especially collaboration with. As regional management team, they should aware their role. Being manager is different from sale representative, which the priority no longer purely focus one customer, but to many customers. Yet, using sales force to increase market share it seems not the only