Adapting to failed expeditions Glory: honor won by notable achievements. In this scenario Cabeza de Vaca strived for glory by trying to establish colonies in the Gulf of Mexico, but his expedition soon turned into a grueling peregrination across Texas. In 1527 Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked on the coast of Galveston island, and set off on foot to Mexico. With little food, weak men, and no connections to other Spanish soldiers it still baffles people how Cabeza de Vaca survived. With tough challenges to overcome Cabeza survived because of his wilderness skills, success as a healer, and most importantly his respect for the Native Americans.…
Following his arrival to the American Southwest in 1862, brigadier general James Henry Carleton of the Union Army would oversee the process of destroying Native American powers throughout the Southwest until his reassignment in 1867. The process of destruction took many forms, and was itself simultaneously literal and figurative. In its final stage, this destruction took form as Bosque Redondo; a reservation planned as an experiment by Carleton to finalize the pacification of Native American threats to American ambitions and interests in the Southwest. The Navajo were one such tribal power which he sought to break. Under Carleton a series of wars and a harsh process of removal to Bosque Redondo would become known as the “Long Walk.”…
Family Information Miguel and Rosa Del Sol have been married for four years and are the parents of three children. The family reports that they are of Hispanic origin and English is their primary language. Christopher who is nine years old is Rosa’s son from a previous relationship. Christopher’s biological father, Jim, has not been involved in his life since age two. Jim is 36-years old and according to Rosa, struggled with alcohol addiction that resulted in physical abuse during her pregnancy.…
The movie Mosquita y Marí, is a great representation of what it's like living in an urban community and their everyday lifestyle. We are introduced to the two main characters Mosquita and Marí, we see differences between the two, between their lifestyles, and personalities. After meeting each other they created a bond like no other. Therefore, the girls go through obstacles that the only they both can understand which were the roles as young Latina females, Mosquita trying to find her own identity drowned in her parent's dreams, and the two questioning their own sexualities. While identifying the popular culture in the film.…
Maquiladoras as an Economic After reading lives on the line: dispatcher from the U.S.-Mexico border by Miriam Davidson I feel like the Nogales / Arizona and Nogales borders are becoming one community. For many years the border was less distinct because of Mexicans going over to visit there family and friends and U.S. nationals crossing over to shop and sightsee. But just like everything in the world time changes it. The maquiladora industry bought jobs, environmental degradation, and population growth to the Mexico border sided.…
In 2006 the judge ruled in the prosecutor's favor, and finally in 2009 Alcala faced trail once again that would last more than five hours. However, at this trial Alcala was acting as his own attorney who would address himself as Mr. Alcala asking the questions in a deeper voice and then would answer them. He only provided one alibi which was for the Samsoe kidnapping and that he was at Knott’s Berry Farm, but did not offer defense for the other four cases. The charm that attracted the women and the one he used as the “dating game killer” did not work for the jurors as he was convicted on all five counts of murder, where a surprise witness showed during the penalty phase of the trail. This was his first victim, Tali Shapiro.…
Spoke to Gray Demilio (DOB 4/29/83) and Noelle Guarnaccia(DOB 7/7/90) who stated that they stayed at Farrington Inn and they were walking to take the shuttle that stops in Apple Orchard Ln with their son when the stroller’s wheel broke. Demilio and Guarnaccia both stated that they did not have any a verbal dispute. Demilio stated that he tried to fix the wheel by trying to shake the stroller and that one of the wheel broke off of the stroller and strollers were thrown on the ground. Guarnaccia stated that she was just frustrated that they were walking in the hot weather for a long time and that the stroller broke. No problems appeared to be present at that time.…
Women have traditionally existed in the domestic sphere. As wives and mothers, they have served as “the vivifying warmth of home life” (Beauvoir, 2011, p.194). Today, women have been drawn out into the industrial sphere through the progress of capitalist society. In particular, Mexico has seen the rise of maquiladoras, factories that import materials and export high-quality products at a low cost. Women are seen as attractive workers for these factories because management views them as cheap, docile, and physically capable (Wright 2006; De La Torre & Funari, 2006).…
Answers for the Adjuster in the case involving claimant, Engracia Alcala: 1. Typo only. 2. After the claimant’s incident on her DOL, according to Mr. Talebi, the first responder who was at the scene soon after the claimant’s incident was Ms. Martha Duran. A few days after the claimant’s incident at work, Ms. Duran got a job elsewhere and did not leave her contact information for this Investigator to follow-up with Ms. Duran.…
In my opinion I feel that maquiladora should take initiative and try to do something to better the living and environment of their workers, because they are what luring people to the border and they are exploiting them for manual labor, so they should be the ones to give back to their community. The maquiladoras have both helped and caused harm to the people of Nogales. The women have benefited because they can now brake away from the traditional societal norms of the Mexican culture that the women normally uphold. The women that work for the maquiladoras have the ability and Power to take charge over their own minds and bodies. They can go to work and have their husbands stay at home and look after their kids.…
Costco Wholesale Corporation is an object for a variety of government regulations that are impacting the company’s business activities. As for a retail business, the recent increase of the regulation requires Costco Wholesale Corp. to follow them in order to avoid fines or restrictions. One of the recent laws, Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act signed in February 2016, puts a strict regulation on the import of goods in the U.S. that are produced with the help of the forced labor thus eliminating the hole in the old Tariff Act. Previously, it was possible to import such goods if domestic production was not able to fully cover the demand. Also, the act requires all the corporations to conduct annual reports that provide the information about the company’s efforts to address the human rights risks in their supply chain.…
Prospects for a Bilateral Immigration Agreement with Mexico: Lessons from the Bracero Program. Texas Law Review, 79(4), 895. Figueroa, H. (1996). Mexican workers in the United States: A profile. NACLA Report…
Enjoy all that Orange County has to offer in beautiful Aliso Viejo, a 6,600-acre planned community where residents have access to world-class amenities. Live, work, and play while being close to vast shopping and entertainment destinations. For those outdoor enthusiasts, Aliso Viejo offers numerous hiking and biking trails, and some of Southern California’s best beaches are just minutes away. With over half of the community dedicated to parks and open space, there are almost endless opportunities to connect with the natural world around you.…
The North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA for short linked the economies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico by barring trade restrictions between the countries. However, NAFTA has been put under the microscope increasingly since its implementation and criticized by farmers, workers, and politicians in Mexico and the United States alike. The criticism has reached as far as the United States 2016 Presidential election where presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have both rejected the deal as disastrous for the American economy and workers drawing attention to the rising trade deficit with Mexico and loss of American manufacturing jobs. Whereas Hillary Clinton is more supportive of NAFTA’s achievements. The impact of NAFTA on Mexico has been beneficial to a large sector of Mexico’s economy including manufacturing but agricultural farmers particularly corn producers has suffered as a result of the deal.…
1.0 Situation Analysis Of The Company 1.1 Company Background Suunto was founded in Finland by a championship-level orienteer and keen outdoor fanatic name Tuomas Volonen in 1936. Tuomas Volenen made the mass production method for liquid filled compass, since then Suunto has been at the front of innovating, hand crafting premium sports watches, instruments and dive computers that was tested in the world during the harsh conditions. Today Suunto is still based in Finland where most of their products are hand crafted with pride in their flagship factory outside Helsinki. Suunto aim is to provide adventurer and sports enthusiast with the best tools that they can explore and achieve new things from the highest mountain to the deepest oceans…