Summary: Manifesto Of Neutrality

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Manifesto of Neutrality
With the last frontier of free speech at risk, one must take action against those who threaten this frontier. I urge anyone who supports a free internet to join me and several others on a path that will shake the foundations of the world. The people that wish to eliminate a neutral internet wish to control and regulate it. But what is there to control if there is nothing to be controlled? We must free ourselves from the shackles and only then will opponents of a free internet realize the wounds it has opened. We must abandon society in protest of the blatant disregard of net neutrality.
One may wonder what the point of abandoning civilization in protest of net neutrality laws being repealed. The point is to display a message to those that wish to see it end. Service providers are a business. They will stay in business as long as people continue to pay them and use the internet. By protesting and becoming a hermit, they will not profit from us. When net neutrality returns, then we will return. Until then, we should seek home in the forests and mountains.
Why should one care about net neutrality and how does it impact people? Net neutrality is a way of saying that internet service providers should not favor one website over another. For example, if the current CEO of an internet service provider is extremely liberal, then that internet service provider could slow down service for conservative media sites. The same could apply to a conservative CEO and his dislike for liberal propaganda. Net neutrality rules stop service providers from doing this. These examples may seem extreme, but I am sure we are all aware that anything could happen. The above examples may not sound so bad to some people.
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Liberals would just flock towards liberal internet service providers and conservatives would just flock towards conservative providers. Slowing down services to an opposing political party’s website is just a small part of net neutrality. Internet service providers could also block websites that support net neutrality. They can also speed up certain websites that appeal to them. For example, an internet service provider could launch a video playing app that is similar to Youtube. They could speed up the service of their app while slowing down Youtube’s. Service providers are meant to provide service to people, not pick out their favorite websites and promote it with unfair practices. Opponents of net neutrality may state that net neutrality regulations stop the internet from growing and impose unfair rules to people. Net neutrality are not rules for consumers. They are rules to protect the consumer from unethical business practices. Others may argue that we use a lot of data and that companies are allowed to decide how much data we can use. Depending on your service provider, you may experience this in the form of data caps. Companies could potentially up the prices of their internet services. Could you imagine paying seventy dollars every month for a basic internet package. In addition to that, you might have to pay ten dollars to access “premium” video streaming and an additional twenty dollars to get better speeds for online gaming. A way to stop these internet providers from raising their prices on basic internet service would be to encourage more competition between service providers. By encouraging more

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