Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses can help make you successful in everything you do. In the opening paragraphs of Managing Oneself the author Peter Drucker says, “Because only when you operate from strengths you can achieve true excellence.” This means you take what you know you are good at and act on these strengths and not waste time on the things in which you are not good at. You need to learn how to manage yourself. The author of Managing Oneself Peter Drucker explains that you need to know your strengths to know where you belong, to put your strengths in a place where you can most successful, work to make your strengths great and to waste as little effort and time as possible in trying to make your weaknesses …show more content…
This does not go along with ethics but more in dealing with what you want and how you as an employee work best. This may not always work out with certain employers because they are going to want you to do it their way and only their way. If you cannot handle having to do it their way you will need to find an employer where you can succeed with your own set of particular values. Some values I was able to witness in my internship was seeing how the CEO of the company mainly wanted to bid the big projects worth lots of money but many of the project managers thought that there was a bigger profit margin on the smaller jobs as compared to large scale …show more content…
In Peter Drucker’s article he states that there are two parts to taking responsibility for relationships. The first thing Peter Drucker states is to accept the fact that other people are individuals just as much as you are, the second part is taking the responsibility of communicating. In the past I have not taken the time to figure out and know my co-workers. I definitely feel this has hurt me as a co-worker in not being able to better communicate with them. To build trust among your co-workers and boss you have to have high integrity and be honest in everything you do. You cannot try and take the easy way out of things but get things done the way your boss wants