“To be sure, elements of "traditional history" persist in the Standards. The entire document is organized chronologically, and the chronological segments generally conform to conventional definitions of discrete eras defined with reference to familiar political events” (Kendedy 418). A textbook that definitely follows these standards is “Major Problems in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era” by Leon Fink. This book uses many recourses like essays, pictures, and documents in order to deliver a quality lesson. Thanks to textbooks like Fink, it is imperative that History textbooks accurately portray the impact progressivism had in our growing country and, with that being said, the textbook “History of a Free People” correctly depicts the trials and tribulations endured during the progressive era as
“To be sure, elements of "traditional history" persist in the Standards. The entire document is organized chronologically, and the chronological segments generally conform to conventional definitions of discrete eras defined with reference to familiar political events” (Kendedy 418). A textbook that definitely follows these standards is “Major Problems in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era” by Leon Fink. This book uses many recourses like essays, pictures, and documents in order to deliver a quality lesson. Thanks to textbooks like Fink, it is imperative that History textbooks accurately portray the impact progressivism had in our growing country and, with that being said, the textbook “History of a Free People” correctly depicts the trials and tribulations endured during the progressive era as