Jackie Robinson was born on January 3,1919 in Cairo, Georgia. When Jackie was a little boy he moved to California. He High School Jackie was good at multiply sports like Baseball, Football, Basketball and Track. After High School Jackie attended college at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles). After college Jackie joined the U.S. in …show more content…
Breaking many records and setting many records. Jackie set records for the first African American to break the color barriers, he had a total of 1,382 games played. 4,877 at bats with 947 runs 1,518 hits. 137 home runs. 734 runs batted in and 1,406 stolen bases. “ The way I figured it, I was even with baseball and baseball was with me. The game had done much for me , and I had done much for it”. In this quote Jackie Robinson is saying that when he was with baseball, baseball was with him and gave him many opportunities. The game did many things for him like giving him his chance to play in the pros and make history and what he did for the game was set records and be the first African American to play the game.
In conclusion Jackie Robinson was the first African American or first colored person to break the Major League Color Barrier. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. Busting through many obstacles such as segregation. Through all that he set the example that color or race did not matter and that you could be what you want to be no matter what