A total of 535 members. That’s 535 people with different voices and stances on things. People are arguing just for arguments sake. As long as there are 535 different views in Congress there will always be unneeded argument. As long is there political division in the country there will be argument. Not necessarily on that is best for the nation but what that person feels is best for the nation biased on their political views. Lobbying and catering to self-interest. Many Congressmen have served very long terms, and have lost sight of what they stand for. They’ve confused their party’s stances for a reason to debate. Edmund Burke once said, “You choose a member indeed; but when you have chosen him, he’s not a member of Bristol, but he is a Member of Parliament” (Politics in America). Burke said that representatives should feel obligated to use their own best judgement about what is good for the nation. This view contrast the view that representatives are delegates and are obligates to vote according to the views of “the folks back home” regardless of their personal views. There are no term limits. There are congressmen who have served in congress for 20, 30 years. Not to mention a lot of bills rarely ever make it of the committee stage. All this adds to the inefficientness of
A total of 535 members. That’s 535 people with different voices and stances on things. People are arguing just for arguments sake. As long as there are 535 different views in Congress there will always be unneeded argument. As long is there political division in the country there will be argument. Not necessarily on that is best for the nation but what that person feels is best for the nation biased on their political views. Lobbying and catering to self-interest. Many Congressmen have served very long terms, and have lost sight of what they stand for. They’ve confused their party’s stances for a reason to debate. Edmund Burke once said, “You choose a member indeed; but when you have chosen him, he’s not a member of Bristol, but he is a Member of Parliament” (Politics in America). Burke said that representatives should feel obligated to use their own best judgement about what is good for the nation. This view contrast the view that representatives are delegates and are obligates to vote according to the views of “the folks back home” regardless of their personal views. There are no term limits. There are congressmen who have served in congress for 20, 30 years. Not to mention a lot of bills rarely ever make it of the committee stage. All this adds to the inefficientness of