Houses in Maghagha are wider and higher than houses in jersey city. Houses in Jersey City most likely have back or front yardwhile, houses in Maghagha do not have even trees around houses. In Maghagha it is possible to use the houses for commercial purposes without any permissions, in contrast the rules and regulations in Jersey City do not allow to use houses for other purposes than residence. In addition to houses, roads are the same for Maghagha and Jersey City. Both of them have local ways and highways. Jersey City has many highways while Maghagha has just one highway. Roads in Jersey City are pavedand clean, on the contrary, roads in Maghagha are unpaved and dirty except for the highway, which is paved and clean. Furthermore, Jersey City and Maghagha have two kinds of transportations, public and private transportations. public transportation in Jersey city include buses, trains, and taxi air conditioned in summer and heated in the winter, while most of transportaions in Maghagha do
Houses in Maghagha are wider and higher than houses in jersey city. Houses in Jersey City most likely have back or front yardwhile, houses in Maghagha do not have even trees around houses. In Maghagha it is possible to use the houses for commercial purposes without any permissions, in contrast the rules and regulations in Jersey City do not allow to use houses for other purposes than residence. In addition to houses, roads are the same for Maghagha and Jersey City. Both of them have local ways and highways. Jersey City has many highways while Maghagha has just one highway. Roads in Jersey City are pavedand clean, on the contrary, roads in Maghagha are unpaved and dirty except for the highway, which is paved and clean. Furthermore, Jersey City and Maghagha have two kinds of transportations, public and private transportations. public transportation in Jersey city include buses, trains, and taxi air conditioned in summer and heated in the winter, while most of transportaions in Maghagha do