The company began to lay-off the people who were in the firm for a long time because of downsizing, this effected the company globally. The HR division started to hire young individuals who were inexperienced and came directly from graduating high school. The Maersk Group provided a two-year training program and formal coursework. Whichever individual was successful at on-the-job training would be guaranteed an overseas placement. The young individuals were hired by the Group, and relocated regularly throughout Maersk’s business lines (Groysberg & Abbott, 2013). As Maersk expanded, it was impacted both through talent management process practices and its civilization. Everything became occupation-line of credit rather than Group functions, and preparation program stir their gear on rotations rather than across Maersk’s business. This impacted the company and took a toll on a lot of individual’s in the Group (Groysberg & Abbott, …show more content…
The shifts between the changes at a company can happen very quickly, the labor force is inquiring that HR management become more elaborated in planning, because this can change the recruitment and selection it has in place for the company. Recruitment can go hand in hand with the type of selection you make among employees. The recruitment process may involve the hiring manager to submit approval to hire, assign a tracking number for the type of job, post the job to potential recourses (e.g., newspapers, internet, or employee referral), then receive resumes to submit to the hiring manager to determine if that individual will be a good candidate to come in for an interview (“Hiring Policy,” 2016). For an external applicant, the hiring manager is responsible for conducting interviews in a timely manner and selecting a candidate. Where reference and background checks are for the final person, and the HR department will collaborate to determine the job position and incentive offered to the person (“Hiring Policy,” 2016). In contrast, recruiting internally uses strategies within the company that has a strong commitment to their employees, then externally finding an individual with certain key talents. Internal candidates can take on the promotional roles which gives the firm a