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was able to successfully repeat the sentences. She was able to verbalize 15 words that began with the letter “F” within 60 seconds. The 15 words are, false, find, friend, future, fantasy, fall, film, found, finger, faucet, floor, flower, follicle, from, and fair. H.J. was able to explain what each pair of words had I common. The commonality between train-bicycle = used to travel and between watch-ruler = measurement. During the delayed recall, H.J. was only able to recall four of the five words, she was not able to recall face.
H.J. was able to accurately state, the date (16), month (June), year (2016), day (Thursday), place
(my home), City (New York). She has some college education, therefore, the additional one point was not added. The total score for the MOCA assessment tool was 27. After a 10 minute break the second cognitive assessment, the Mini-Cog was administered. The completion time was 4 minutes and 45 seconds. H.J. was successful in repeating the following words- apple, watch, and penny. She was able to draw the numbers inside of a circle that was pre-drawn, slightly distorted. The hands of the clock represented, forty five minutes past 10 o’clock. The little hand was positioned at the 10n and the longer hand