Lysistrata gets help from the other women throughout Greece, including those who partake in the sex strike, as well as the old women who take control of the Acropolis. Without the efforts of the women who helped Lysistrata, the sex strike would not have been successful, and peace would not have been had. This strongly exemplifies female heroism, as Lysistrata has to take a leadership position among the women to make the strike successful. When Kalonike first hears of Lysistrata’s plan, she responds, “Anything, anything else--- whatever you want! I’d even walk across fire. Anything except giving up dick!” The other women then echo Kalonike’s concerns and it appears as though Lysistrata’s plan will not succeed. However, Lysistrata reminds them of the importance of ending the war and convinces them to act in unity. This unification is symbolic in that the men of Greece had been anything but unified. This unification causes the women of Greece to look rational and cooperative in comparison to the war-mad men. Ultimately, however, Lysistrata’s plan cannot be completed until the men sit down for a peace conference. While the women of Greece can influence their husband’s decisions in order to end the war, their action alone is not enough. Additionally, it seems rather unlikely that a sex strike would actually end the war, making Lysistrata an example of satire. Esther receives an enormous amount of help from men in her plan to foil Haman, but still shows a great degree of independence. First, she receives help from Mor’decai after he foils a plot against the king’s life, earning both of them favor in the king’s eyes. Later, Mor’decai learns of Haman’s plot, and brings Esther the royal decree pertaining to the destruction of the Jews. Esther also requires the support of the king when she tells of Haman’s plot at the banquet, as the king orders the execution of
Lysistrata gets help from the other women throughout Greece, including those who partake in the sex strike, as well as the old women who take control of the Acropolis. Without the efforts of the women who helped Lysistrata, the sex strike would not have been successful, and peace would not have been had. This strongly exemplifies female heroism, as Lysistrata has to take a leadership position among the women to make the strike successful. When Kalonike first hears of Lysistrata’s plan, she responds, “Anything, anything else--- whatever you want! I’d even walk across fire. Anything except giving up dick!” The other women then echo Kalonike’s concerns and it appears as though Lysistrata’s plan will not succeed. However, Lysistrata reminds them of the importance of ending the war and convinces them to act in unity. This unification is symbolic in that the men of Greece had been anything but unified. This unification causes the women of Greece to look rational and cooperative in comparison to the war-mad men. Ultimately, however, Lysistrata’s plan cannot be completed until the men sit down for a peace conference. While the women of Greece can influence their husband’s decisions in order to end the war, their action alone is not enough. Additionally, it seems rather unlikely that a sex strike would actually end the war, making Lysistrata an example of satire. Esther receives an enormous amount of help from men in her plan to foil Haman, but still shows a great degree of independence. First, she receives help from Mor’decai after he foils a plot against the king’s life, earning both of them favor in the king’s eyes. Later, Mor’decai learns of Haman’s plot, and brings Esther the royal decree pertaining to the destruction of the Jews. Esther also requires the support of the king when she tells of Haman’s plot at the banquet, as the king orders the execution of