This is demonizing towards faculty and stuff of the education system and will inevitably "force into retirement" many great teachers. The inacuracy of the evaluations itself will affect the outcome of the teacher 's lesson. If I were a teacher, I would be terrified of losing my job with this new evalutaion system and because of that my performance would suffer. I would probably worry about my job so much that I would just want my students to pass so I would still have job security. This thought process is so unfair because teachers mold students so they become great people. Teachers change lives. PED, APS, citizens, students and every human being should be grateful for those teachers out there who love their careers and love changing the lives of their students. This evaluation is harmful to the emotional well-being of teachers and therefore harmful to the student 's education. On behalf of 20-year-old students everywhere, I 'm thankful for everything my teacher 's have done for me and everything they taught me, and I hope they can continue to teach in a professional, stress-free environment that they ALL
This is demonizing towards faculty and stuff of the education system and will inevitably "force into retirement" many great teachers. The inacuracy of the evaluations itself will affect the outcome of the teacher 's lesson. If I were a teacher, I would be terrified of losing my job with this new evalutaion system and because of that my performance would suffer. I would probably worry about my job so much that I would just want my students to pass so I would still have job security. This thought process is so unfair because teachers mold students so they become great people. Teachers change lives. PED, APS, citizens, students and every human being should be grateful for those teachers out there who love their careers and love changing the lives of their students. This evaluation is harmful to the emotional well-being of teachers and therefore harmful to the student 's education. On behalf of 20-year-old students everywhere, I 'm thankful for everything my teacher 's have done for me and everything they taught me, and I hope they can continue to teach in a professional, stress-free environment that they ALL