In all three stories a character forgets or loses a tradition or thing that is always apart of their life. In “Without a Title” the narrator’s father is forced to forget his beloved hunting tradition. “Without a vision he …show more content…
Summers had been successful in having slips of paper substituted for the chips of wood that had been used for generations”(27). Due to the fact that the tradition had been forgotten it affected the lives of the Hutchinson's. As I read the story, not a single person complained about the lost tradition before the lottery had even started. But as the lottery continued and Bill Hutchinson won the first drawing, Tessie, Bill’s wife started to yell “It wasn't fair”. As they started to calm Tessie down the second lottery took place to find out who was the real winner. After each person in the Hutchinson family grabbed a slip, Tessie's slip was the only one with a smudge mark meaning she was the winner. Now that she won the lottery she is complaining that the lottery was unfair because it is going to affect her …show more content…
“I cried when I left here. Nobody loved me. I cried all the way up to Knoxville. That's the last time I ever cried in my life”(189). Similar to the other two stories the narrator's father lost his childhood because he felt that he was not being loved. The father lost something that meant a lot to him and it changed him as a parent when he grew