Long Term Effects Of Violence On Women

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Women can face many different types of violence during their lifetime. Violence can come in many forms such as psychological violence, physical violence, and sexual violence. Roughly around 35% of women in the United States have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime (“National Intimate Partner,” 2011). In addition, it is estimated that nearly 1.3 million women per year from the United States are the victims of rape (Rabin, 2011). These are just some examples that show that the threat of violence against women is real and that it should be taken seriously. Violence can affect women in many ways. It can cause women to have mental health problems, emotional problems, physical health problems, and it can also cause a significant increase in their fear of victimization. This paper will focus on how and when violence against women officially became a social problem, the different types of violence that women can encounter in their lifetime, the long term effects that violence can have on women, and the ways society can help prevent the occurrence of the violence against women.
The problem of the violence against women was virtually ignored until the 1970s. Before the 1970s,
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Several research studies have suggested that as the frequency and severity of violence increases, so does the impact of the violence on the victim’s health (“National Intimate Partner,” 2011). According to recent research, nearly 3 in 10 women who have experienced violence such as rape and/or physical violence have reported at least one impact related to the violence that they experienced (“National Intimate Partner,” 2011). Impacts can involve “being fearful, concerned for safety, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, need for health care, injury, contacting a crisis hotline, need for housing services, need for victim’s advocate services, and need for legal services (“National Intimate Partner,” 2011,

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