In addition to keeping the Loggerhead turtle’s habitat clean, it also needs to be peaceful. Many Loggerheads are choosing to nest along the shores of Greece, Turkey, Libya, and Israel. The problem with all those places is that they are becoming too populated with tourists, which disturbs the Loggerhead’s habitat. The Loggerhead turtle eats a variety of seafood such as crab, jellyfish, mollusks, lobster, conch, shrimp and other crustaceans. They can eat those hard-shelled animals because the Loggerhead’s jaws are extremely strong. Some predators feast on baby Loggerhead when they first hatch, because of their flippers it makes them easy prey on land, some of those predators are Ghost Crabs, raccoons and birds. When they are in the water swimming, reef fish and sharks are a danger to baby Loggerheads. The main predator for adult Loggerheads are sharks. When the female Loggerheads come onto the shores to lay their eggs it may seem …show more content…
“In 1981, an international agreement made it illegal to trade all seven species of Sea turtles and their eggs, shells or meat internationally,” according to Animal Planet. Governments are also figuring out ways to stop bycatch, which is accidentally fishing and catching another animal. Meanwhile, marine protected areas are making their way to turtle populated habitats to protect the turtles from harm. People are polluting the beaches and in the ocean which can cause havoc for many sea animals, especially turtles. When turtles come up on land to lay their eggs or for food they often mistake plastic for a jellyfish and eat it. Not to mention the other problems such as oil spills, boat propellers, fishing nets and nest flooding. People can help whether it is as simple as picking up a trash bag, or protecting the turtle nests from poaching. Other higher ranked officials are helping by changing fishing practices and working to lower turtle tourism from the