Back in 2009, Allen infamously ‘retired’ from the music business to concentrate on motherhood, yet her lengthy sabbatical is seemingly over and she has, yet again, unleashed an aggressive, ballsy, imperfect pop record into the industry she unashamedly and unreservedly mocks. Few artists have the ego to …show more content…
Christians will surely demur at the provocative notion of a female Jesus, especially when she slips into the questionable section about “periods, we all get periods”. Fan bases will surely object at the sneers at Allen’s supposed industry peers like the ‘boring’ Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (dismissed as ‘dying for her art, so really she’s a martyr’). Yet Lily apparently couldn’t care less, whilst rubbing in the disdain, the track’s ingenious backing track is constructed from her programmed …show more content…
Both ‘Close Your Eyes’ and the album’s big ‘grower’ ballad ‘Our Time’ are calm tracks with strong melodious choruses, while ‘Air Balloon’ is plainly a demonstration of simplistic pop excellence. The dominating hooks of the record often take time to cement into your mind, but progressively prove as fun as her previous works. From the R&B weaving amongst ‘Insincerely Yours’, to the surprisingly soul-bearing ‘Take My Place’ this is Lily Allen as good as she’s ever been. Additionally, the plunge into the world of a deluxe edition, gives you access to a superb cover of Keane’s brilliant ‘Somewhere Only We