Liesel Dialectical Journal

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I feel as this novel is definitely based on the heart and emotions. When the reader first starts the novel they get an instant burst of emotions. This young girl is being abandoned by the only people she knows her mother and her brother. Just before she was going to leave her brother, Werner starts coughing terribly and in a matter of minuets falls and you probably guessed it died. Liesel's mother was in the cabin of the train waiting solemnly for death to pick her up. In just minutes the two people that had loved and been loved by Liesel have vanished. Could you imagine being so little and suddenly you have to restart your life in such a way that you had no support, no love, and most important of all knowing that someone in the world cared …show more content…
As the airplanes flew through Himmel street, the bombs dropped through their rib cages with complete easy and casually fell down on to Himmel street. The whole street was demolished and everyone died except for the lucky Liesel. She tapped the paint cans with a pencil to get the LSE officer's attention. When one of them heard the tapping they started to search for the source of the sound. When the officer did eventually find the sound he quickly ran and saw the teenage girl trapped. He gently pulled her out by the hand and comforted her before hearing the harsh emotional yelling of losing everyone that you ever loved. The next topic I want to discuss could fall into both categories (the heart or the mind) but I think it’s leaning more towards the heart. Throughout the story Liesel has had many interactions with words. She mostly reads, steals, and writes words, but she realizes that words can be used as weapons and the whole reason this happened is because of words. All these deaths because of words. Here is a quote that Liesel said about words “I have hated the words, and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right” Pg:

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