Beyond stating and formulating awareness follows the creation of a programmatic package of services. One must provide the services that complement the needs of the homeless LGBTQ youth as well as secure an environment for growth. For example; an educational academia that leads to employment; support that correlates to mainstream resources; as well as trainings to promote independent living skills. Collaboration amongst other local human services providers are primary sectors to building a sustainable program. One must remember to follow the state, city, and federal laws and guidelines in regards to coexisting with other licenses professionals. Such pre-requisites are to insure the safety of the youth attendants that are receiving safe and proper treatment, either for medical and or mental health reason. Following into the care of the shelter attendants is insuring the necessary training of the staff that is hired. In order to offer a program of acceptance, unity, and safe sexual health advocacy the trained staff must be open-minded and understanding of the needs of the population; and the identity crisis, abuse, and rejection these kids have faced in their daily lives. Director of the Ali Forney Center, Carl Siciliano states, “Make providing a safe space a top priority. This space needs to be free of rejection and homophobia. The youth need a space to breathe and …show more content…
In today’s rising society the need for employment is growing by the minute. Nonprofit organizations such as outreach programs are an essence of contributions to the American economy. If the global nonprofit sector were a country, it would have the sixteenth largest economy in the world, according to GDP data compiled by the World Bank. In the United States, the nonprofit sector contributed $878 billion to the economy in 2012, or about 5.4 percent of our nation’s GDP (National Council of Nonprofits, 2015). By creating an outreach homeless shelter for the LGBTQ youth; just as a variety of other nonprofits, save the myriad amounts of monies from the government through their service delivery. Implementation of these shelters allocates opportunities for those who work within the professional fields of human services, as well as those whom are without a higher degree of profession. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates, “In 2012, employment in nonprofit organizations was 11,426,870 (which was 10.3 percent of total U.S. private sector