Throughout the process of deciding what to pursue academically, I realized that I have a lot of varying interests. I am passionate about concepts surrounding identity, culture, place and how these interact with more concrete concepts such as science and technology. I knew I wanted to eventually pursue something which involved agriculture and also environmentalism, which are two topics that I have been interested in since I was very young. When I first started school at Lewis & Clark, I quickly noticed how prominent cultural differences were among my peers that came from different regions of the United States. My own culture, coming from an urban setting …show more content…
In what way(s) has this/have these influenced your own thoughts and behavior regarding your college education?
In less than two years here, my identity has regenerated. I have learned and changed so much. My Lewis & Clark education has been a tool which has helped shape me into a more engaged and passionate member of my community. I feel lucky to share this school with many other passionate and engaged students who are going through this same journey with me, and with whom I can learn and grow. I feel lucky to attend a school with professors who are open to both teaching and learning from their students, and who create interdisciplinary perspectives in each subject which I can take with me into life outside of Lewis & Clark. I feel lucky that I have two more years here, and so much opportunity ahead to challenge and expand my academics and character. Attending Lewis & Clark College has been, and continues to be, a journey. After I graduate, Lewis & Clark will become another part of my identity that continues to be shaped and shifted, making a profound impact on the rest of my …show more content…
I have been in Spanish Club, Beekeeping Club, Students Engaged in Eco-Defence, the Outdoor Pursuits LLC, Environmental Action, Garden Club, the Platteau, the Environmental Affairs Symposium, the Feminist Student Union, and College Outdoors. I have spent a lot of my time at Lewis & Clark working with College Outdoors, where I have both a work study job in the office and assist as a trip coordinator. I have always seen the outdoors as a classroom, and work to bring both social and academic aspects to the College Outdoors program. Recently, several women involved in College Outdoors have been meeting to discuss the philosophy of gender divisions in the outdoor industry, and have been working to address potential problems this may be causing within Lewis & Clark’s College Outdoors program. This has been an interesting way to combine my involvement in the Feminist Student Union and College Outdoors. Each of us brings a unique background and perspective which combine to make constructive conversation and hopefully future change. I am very proud of this effort as I think it is a conversation that has been avoided for many years, and it is important that it is addressed so that College Outdoors can be a better experience for people of all