Letters From Midterland And Winter Swans

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“Winter swans” and “Letters from Yorkshire” both focus on the natural disconnect and distance that prevail in a relationship and how it is possible to overcome in both. They use an overload of natural imagery to reflect how the relationship they have and the feelings they still have are natural weather their ones of misery or joy.
Both Winter swans and Letters from Yorkshire present nature as a powerful force in a relationship. In Winter Swans it is the observation that the swans “mate for life” that brings the couple together. It is clear the swans actions have had a direct impact on the couple’s relationship as the narrator describes the swans as presenting “a show of tipping in unison. As if rolling weights down their bodies to their hands”. On a simple level looking at the swans moving together in a symmetrical movement makes the couple realize that love and togetherness is possible; the natural world allows them to see what is possible in their human relationship. Furthermore the noun “show” suggests that the speaker felt that what was happening was just for the couple to watch and important for the couple to watch as it has connotations of a presentation with the purpose of serving a message or moral for the audience to act on. In addition it is further made clear that the couple are positively influenced by nature as it pushes them closer together because it allows them to understand that although they may be going through this tough time at the moment, the

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