Letter To Simeon Peter

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Simeon Peter wrote to fellow believers to encourage them to remember what God has granted to them and to grow in seven qualities: virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love. He began his second epistle with a Christian greeting by acknowledging the Lord and Savior, Jesus, and then getting straight to the point starting in verse 3. Verses 3-4 describe how God has granted people all things that pertain to life and godliness, and that He has called believers to His own glory and excellence, and has granted them His promises, thus providing a way, (i.e. Jesus) for them to escape the corruption that is in the world.
Following this is a list of the seven qualities Christians are to
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and 67 A.D. In this letter he writes to fellow believers about three main subjects: to supplement one’s faith with virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love; to beware of false teachers and blasphemers; and finally to prepare for the return of the Lord. He also wrote another letter, which was his first, to the same audience. It is likely that Peter was awaiting his death while imprisoned in Rome while he was writing this letter, which was the last he wrote. It is confirmed that Peter is the author, since he begins this epistle with, “Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ….” However, it is unknown if he physically wrote this letter or if he had an assistant write it for him since he may have been chained.
Around this time, the wicked Emperor Nero was reigning over the Roman Empire. He strongly partook in persecuting the early church, making it difficult for early Christians to spread the Gospel. However, this would not stop the Good News from being proclaimed, so Nero went to more desperate measures. In one instance he even blamed a massive fire in Rome on the Christians, while trying to turn the common people against

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