Campus Carry Research Paper

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“Effective August 1, 2016 (4 year institutions); August 1, 2017 (2 year institutions); individuals who have a valid Texas handgun license may carry a concealed handgun on college campuses in certain areas so long as the area has not been designated by school as a weapons free area” (Beatty 5). This means the Houston Community College only has one more peaceful semester left. Even far before its legalization, Campus Carry has been a controversial topic for ongoing discussion among a large body of students and faculty at higher education institutions. The law has not been easily received in Texas, and its passage created a distinctive division within the state as “some universities, such as Texas A&M, are taking it in stride, but ‘others, like …show more content…
In 2005, “Zachary Ourada, a young man who followed the rules, took classes, and received a conceal and carry permit, shot and killed a doorman at a local Minneapolis bar after being escorted out for his conduct. Mr. Ourada had been drinking” (Smith 240). What will happen if a similar incident takes place on a college campus instead of a bar? Many college students attend parties on a Sunday night, consuming alcohol beverages, and have classes the following morning. Although there is a time gap in between, some students might still be under the influence of alcohol as they enter the campus. Affected by alcohol, a student might be unable to control his or herself, and if that student gets into an argument, the verbal argument might turn into a physical confrontation, and with access a gun, the student might end up shooting at the person he or she is arguing against. The dangerous combination of guns and alcohol has been proven by a study titled “Guns at College,” published in the Journal of American Health in 1999, which found “a positive association between gun ownership at college and a student’s over indulgence in drinking then driving, having an arrest record for inappropriate or impaired driving, and just generally having a higher chance of causing harm to themselves and others” (Smith …show more content…
This claim is valid; however, having students carried concealed firearms on campuses will lead to “confusion during emergency situations” (Birnbaum 7). It will be difficult for police officers to distinguish the gunman from other students during a shooting attack if they all are having their guns out. The police officers might take longer to respond, thus increasing the possibility that themselves and other innocent students will be shot. Other proponents of Campus Carry think since concealed handguns’ carriers have received their permits, they are trained and can react under the emergency circumstance. But according to the data collected by the National Opinion Research Center in 2001, “many people carry concealed weapons without a permit” (Birnbaum 9). This means public colleges that allow Campus Carry might place their campus safety in the hands of many untrained individuals. Still, other proponents of the law maintain they have the right to bear arms granted by the Second Amendment, which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Birnbaum 8). Lisa Moore, an English literature professor at the University of Texas, claims that “[w]hat we have is not a well-regulated militia. It’s a 21-year-old with a backpack”

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