Autonomy and self-determination is known as the respect for persons. In the OR it is important to respect all, including that patient. Even though the patient is asleep most of the time, it is still important to respect the patient’s rights. The patient has the right to deny or accept any treatment before, during or after surgery. The circulating nurse oversees advocating for the patient in these situations. Beneficence is the act of doing good and in any hospital setting the goal is always to help get the patient back to good health. Health care members have one goal and that is to save and improve patient lives each day. Non- maleficence which is avoiding harm, focuses on keeping that patient safe and free from danger at all time. Justice which is fairness, truthfulness and equitability. It is important that all patient’s are treated equally and fair with no intent to harm. Veracity which focuses on telling the truth is another principle. It is important for health care members to be truthful with patient’s and everyone around them. Fidelity is the last principle and it focuses on remaining faithful as all times to commitment. As health care member’s commitment to helping others is key in being a better person not only for one’s self, but to all around (Aiken. …show more content…
Malignant hyperthermia is an acute life threatening complication. This is caused by certain drugs that are used for general anesthesia. This begins when the skeletal muscle is exposed to certain agents which increase calcium levels in the muscle cells and increase levels of metabolism. Many things begin to increase such as serum calcium, potassium and metabolic rate. This problem can lead to acidosis, cardiac dysthymias, and high body temperature. Signs of malignant hyperthermia include, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, muscle rigidity, hypotension, tachypnea, cyanosis and myoglobinuria. To prevent this complication, the OR has a medication cart with specific medication to give to the patient if malignant hyperthermia occurred. If the health care members are aware of this problem before the surgery, then Dantrolene sodium could be given. Oxygen was also monitored to prevent this complication. Time is crucial when this complication is diagnosed and needs to be treated immediately. Therefore, the OR room has proper medication and equipment needed to treat it (Ignatavicius & Workman