LTC Ryhn has served the AMEDD in the admin realm as well as clinical. He has led troops as a Medical Service Corps (MSC) officer from Platoon Leader all the way to Troop Commander/Executive Officer. As a Medical Platoon Leader in an Armor Battalion, he was charged with leading 26 …show more content…
Selected before graduation from the University of Minnesota Dental School, he began an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency in Fayetteville, NC. His potential for leadership, mentoring and teaching was impressive enough that he was chosen to remain at the Womack Army Medical Center as staff to serve as the Assistant Program Director (APD). In this position he was able to provide care to over 90 orthognathic surgery patients as primary staff. He exposed the residents in the Canadian Dental Corps, Public Health Service and Army Medical Corps as well as residents from civilian training programs to hundreds of trauma, cosmetic and reconstructive cases that also involved open temporomandibular joint surgeries. He continued teaching as the APD of the Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) and the Hawai’i DENTAC two-year Advanced Education Graduate Degree program OMS mentor. He holds an appointment as Associate Clinical Professor at the Uniformed Services Health University and was promoted to the position of Program Director and Chief of the OMS Department. He has directly contributed to the teaching and successful graduation of 25 OMS residents and more than 40 two-year AEGD residents over his 11 years as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. He attained board certification on the first attempt and is a Fellow of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial …show more content…
He received lauds from the President of the Conference and Commander of the Chilean Dental Corps for the lecture, “US Army Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the Deployed Setting” in Viña del Mar, Chile.
Dr. Ryhn has a proven record of service to military medicine. He has molded OMS, Endodontic and two-year AEGD residents. His CV and ORB reflect this level of dedication over the last 23 years. His awards and accolades serve as a testament to his skill as a provider and also as a superb leader. He has been and continues to be one who develops future leaders in Army Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. LTC Ryhn’s membership will continue and strengthen the tradition of sacrifice, service and honor that is well recognized by our