This research revealed different types of corruption within the department they revealed different gambling operations where police officers were being paid off to not report them or arrest them for operating illegal gambling within the city.
The police department had officers involved selling and distributing drugs, narcotics and even transporting drugs they were providing protection to known drug dealers. It was also determined that they were involved in prostitution by providing protection to the pimps, some of the officers were also found to be pimping out females.
The police department had staff involved in allowing construction companies to take shortcuts …show more content…
Some police officers would get in their patrol units and go behind businesses and go through the back doors and take items from the business and put them in the backseat or trunks of the patrol units, they would use the items for their own use or sell them for money.
The conclusion reached through this research was that corruption can be present within any business or industry, even if it's accepting something as small as a free cup of coffee or a meal at half price. This is not only a bad reflection on a person it gives the business or agency a bad reputation that everyone will negatively look at everyone associated with that business as being unethical. This will affect the communities outlook on the department when corruption is noted and brought out, because it will definitely become a story on the news and in news