It was July 4th. It was the offseason for the NBA. Kevin Durant, one of the top players in the league is a free agent. He gets to go to any team he wants and one of those teams is the Golden State Warriors, one of the greatest teams in the NBA and maybe even all-time. They had the best regular season record in the NBA which was a new record and have three all-stars. Kevin Durant announces that his next team is the Warriors. The Warriors are now the greatest team in the NBA.
The warriors have 4 all-stars. All-stars are players voted by fans that play in the all-star game. A reason they would be voted is because they are skilled players. Those all-stars include Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Draymond Green, and Kevin Durant. Stephen Curry is the greatest shooter of all time. He has one of the best ball handles in the game and is a two-time MVP of the league (Most Valuable Player). Klay Thompson is the second best shooter aside from Curry. He is one of the best two way guards in the league right now. Two way means that he could score and play good defense. Draymond Green is one of the …show more content…
Good chemistry is. The players on that team are close and is well coached. Each player on the team know their role. From the Star players to the bench everything on that team seems to work perfectly. They have fun while playing and work hard for it.
Many NBA fans dont think that the Warriors are the best team in the NBA. According to other NBA fans they say that they are not because they lost in the finals. This is true but, they lost two good defensive players Green and Bogut. But Warrior fans and other sports illustrators think that the Warriors are the best. Especially adding Kevin Durant, one of the greatest players in the league, they are still the greatest team in the NBA.
The Golden State Warriors are one of, if not the greatest team in the NBA. Good players and chemistry is what makes a good