Population Dynamic Lab Report Purpose: Analyze graphs to determine the population size of two marine species. Explain how predation, birth, and death rates impact marine populations. Describe how biotic and abiotic factors influence marine populations. Research: 1. Prey Initial Size: The starting number of prey.…
Grateloupia turuturu an Invasive Seaweed in Eastern Long Island Sound investigation into slowing its spread Introduction Long Island Sound is a complex and unique environment because of its glacial history and properties as an estuary. It has the capability to be a powerhouse for primary production, unfortunately, the sound has fallen victim to invasive species. Grateloupia turuturu is one such species, tormenting the natural flow of life in the coastal waters of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York (Balcom and Yarish, 2006). This red alga grows year round and is well suited for warm waters (Mathieson, A., et al, 2008). Their ability to grow year round gives the seaweed an advantage amongst other competitors that tend to sprout in warmer…
The current problem in Jaffrey is that, recently Jaffrey residents have noticed that Jaffrey Lake, which used to be clean, and a great place to swim, has changed. Slimy, green algae floats on the surface, and the water has turned very dirty. People are finding dead fish on the shore, and everyone is afraid they'll get sick if they swim in the lake. This is a major problem because, people around the lake will slowly start getting sick and one day the all the fish and plants in this water will die because the water is very very dirty. I was hired to test the water to determine the levels of Nitrates and Phosphates in this lake.…
This letter goes out to the government of Hawaii. I say to all you officials, “Please help our state as we face many hardships during this great trauma.” Lately, I have not been able to call my home a paradise where I once lived in, rather now I find it a death sentence. This disease we live in today affects our people, and cuts our states population into half. I feel the need to step up and become the representative for my people.…
Salvation speech Hawaii a place that used to be referred to as "paradise" has now been converted into "hell". We live in post apocalyptic Hawaii, where supplies are decreasing very quick. A big corporation supervises the production of kelp which has contracted a disease. We can no longer consume kelp. We live in the year 2300 where there is plenty of advanced technologies, so we expect a cure and medical attention for those who are sick.…
The slaughter of dolphins in the waters of the Asian gulf is a concerning aspect of overfishing. Overfishing has also become incredibly detrimental to our marine ecosystems with the mass disruption of the food chain. According to X, threats to coral reef health are worryingly high, as these ecosystems of our oceans are becoming unhealthy and dying off gradually. The species of fish who would dwell in these regions are now unable…
Sewage and untreated wastewater carry a deadly bacteria and pathogen that can infect and kill corals. Hotels and resorts can discharge untreated sewage and wastewater into the ocean, creating a growth of algae creating a competition for space with corals. Dredging activities to make marinas or deep-water channels causes sensitive habitats to be destroyed or disturbed and from the waste of the dumping in the ocean. Research shows that humans in fact contribute a lot to the destruction of the coral reefs and is an issue that needs to be resolved in a short matter of time. There are many possible ways to protect, but…
Scientist hasn’t found anything to explain the contagious disease from the kelp and how to stop it from spreading to others. We will not be able to live our long lives. We will not be able to explore the world or have a family or dreams we dreamt of when we were little. The disease is spreading more every day and we starve causing us to die. Scientist needs to figure what is going on because we never had the chance to…
Outbreak at Watersedge presents a case study regarding an outbreak at the Watersedge that affects the health of the people. There were increasing cases of people reporting sick, so the tutorial focuses on finding out the root cause of the outbreak. The public health care personnel start by mapping out people’s location and their activities before they got sick. After finding out the fact that the people who got sick went to the Thompson Lake Park and majority drank fountain water from the park, the testing of water sample was done. The result showed the fountain near the beach at the Thompson Lake Park to be the source for outbreak as it was tested positive for parasite Cryptosporidium.…
I believe this is strong evidence of climate change. Modern humans have been around for around 200,000 years (NHM), only a fraction of 50 million, yet the rate at which ocean acidification has occurred has been the quickest ever recorded. In humans, the blood is around a 7.4 on the pH scale, and even the smallest change, such as 0.2, can cause problems like seizures or death (Bennet). If the smallest change can make a difference in a human, a small change in acidity can make an even bigger difference in smaller organisms. These changes can cause major problems with the small organisms themselves, or they can cause the organism to die off.…
We can all allow the government to come up with a solution to fix Salton Sea but that might take longer than other solutions. We as a nation can spend tens of billions of dollars to create a system that can produce fresh water by using ocean water, but that might take years to be able to produce large amounts of fresh water at a time. Both ideas, are great ideas, but they are both long term ideas. We need to find a solution that can help Salton Sea as soon as a possible. Proposed Solution…
Increased ocean acidification isn’t the only thing affecting the ocean, but it is very problematic because it erodes aragonite which is a mineral of calcium carbonate. In other words it kills corals and causes the hard exoskeleton to erode. Action needs to be taken to ensure the survival of corals and the creatures that rely on coral reefs to survive. Coral reefs are sources of food for millions of people, but also are sources of medicines. As coral reefs disappear so do the organisms that are mutualistic to it.…
Escalante, Estefany September 29, 2015 Biology 101-18598 Krista Hahn Keystone Species Keystone species is a species that is very impactful within its ecosystem. A keystone species can be a plant or an animal that has a very specific job ecologically. If there were no keystone species, our world would be a completely different place, or maybe would not exist. All species depend on each other, but the benefits of keystone species are much greater than any other species. If a keystone species would disappear, it would start a chain reaction and a lot of other species would become extinct.…
3.4 Case Studies 3.4.1 Biofuel from GM Macro algae Hydrocarbon biofuels are produced by genetically modified seaweed which are obtained by inserting genes from high hydrocarbon producing micro algae into high growth seaweed species. Botryococcus braunii (BB) a green micro algae that produces large amounts of aliphatic hydrocarbon molecules is used as a source for genetic material. The genes that produce hydrocarbon in BB are identified, removed, cloned and subsequently inserted into high growth brown seaweeds like Kelp. The genetically modified kelp can be grown in coastal ocean waters. After the growth is complete it can be harvested and further processed .The…
Fiji is developing country north to New Zealand and east of Australia. Fiji has a warm tropical climate perfect for beachside holidays. Maximum temperatures rarely move out of the 31°C (88°F) to 26°C (79°F) range all year round, Fiji is very tropical. Southeast trade winds from March to November bring dry weather and the rainy season runs from December to April. Natural resources include timber, fish, gold, copper, offshore oil, and hydropower.…