Family Life Cycle
• Developmental Stages o The Kekoa family have struggled with the early childhood stages of devlopment since Lahela's …show more content…
While the final plan sounds effective, it is hard to understand how much dignity was paid to the family and the student through the course of the meeting. Given the results of it, the professionals did not seem disrespectful to the family. However, if some of the concerns that were raised by Wikolia were dismissed as opposed to addressed, then they failed to treat them with dignity.
• Within this case, it is not clear as to whether the professionals addressed the families emotional needs or not. The Kekoa family did not make their emotional needs very clear to the professionals. This could possibly be expected because of Wikolia and Kahilia's unwillingness to speak about their feelings and concerns about Lahela. Hopefully, in later meetings, this could be addressed as the relationship between the team and the family grows.
• The professionals did a fantastic job of being available and accessible to the family. They provided them with information in order to contact them if any questions arose, and were more than willing to answer questions during the meeting itself.
• I feel that this team did go above and beyond in regards to the final treatment plan. They did provided very specific treatments that addressed many of the concerns that the family held. o However, I do feel that they could have gone further when addressing their cultural …show more content…
The Kekoa family has many concerns regarding Lahela's health, but it is not entirely clear what their role in the treatment plan is other than running her back and forth to appointments. The concepts of 'Ohana states that the elders (or kūpuna) or traditionally the ones in the family who pass down wisdom and training to the younger generation. Within the Kekoa family, several members of the family (not just the grandparents) have taken on this responsibility. It is understandable that because of the concept of 'Ohana, the family members would want to be involved in supporting the professionals in any way they can. While their love and support are commented on during the meeting, there is not much else that the family is asked to do in the plan. If they are not included more in this case, then it could cause conflicts later in the