Katniss Everdeen can be seen as the central character in the movie The Hunger Games. Throughout the movie, Katniss experiences many events in which she goes through a hero’s journey that highlights the basis of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth thesis from The Hero with a Thousand Faces. According to Joseph Campbell, there are many experiences a hero will undergo, which can be portrayed through Katniss Everdeen as she leaves the ordinary world, is given a challenge, crosses a threshold, meets with alliances and enemies and finally returns to district 12 with new knowledge and a sense of transformation.
The first step in Joseph Campbell’s hypothesis is to leave the ordinary world and begin the call to adventure. …show more content…
Katniss can succumb to the risks of volunteering or witnessing her sister's potential death. Katniss wasn’t initially the chosen one, but stepped in to protect her sister. Because she is sacrificing herself, she isn’t necessarily refusing the call to adventure, however she is very hesitant from the start. Prior to the start of the games, she goes through training where she exhibits many worries about participating. “A surge of panic runs through me, but I'm losing my chance to bow out, and I know it. The other kids are as frightened as I am, maybe even more so” (Chapter 8). She is very worried about how well she will perform during the games and is having a hard time adapting to what life is like in the capital. This reinforces Campbell when he states, “Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative. Walled in boredom, hard work, or “culture”, the subject loses the power of significant affirmative action and becomes a victim of being saved” (Campbell 49). The hero has two options: to face the adventure or to be a victim of it. Katniss is not fighting alone, the second person chosen from District Twelve is Peeta Mellark, who she meets in the capital. During training, Katniss is met with Haymitch Abernathy, who acts as a mentor and teaches Katniss and Peeta key tactics and tells them the importance of staying by each other's side through public appearances. “Every minute! It’s not open