One problem that I think Kate Chopin faced that is similar to Mrs. Mallard in the short story. The railroad accident of Brently Mallard. "It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently mallard 's name being the first one on the list of killed."(Kirszner & Mandell 2). This shows how Mrs. Mallard husband when he was announced dead, he was the first one on the list, which makes me think that he was probably someone well-known. As you can see Chopin faced problems of death in her life Like Mallard, her mom had to go through the death of her husband caused by a railroad accident. Many women get married and don 't feel happy about being in the relationship. This can happen sometimes because the relationship is really demanding. Kate Chopin age of 19 got married to Oscar Chopin, a Louisiana cotton worker. According to gradesaver, Oscar was a great man to Kate. "A gentleman, Oscar tolerated Kate 's unconventional ways, even though relatives warned him not to. He treated Kate as an intellectual equal and apparently did not mind that she smoke, drank and behaved as her own person. "(Gradesaver 1). As you can see this show how Oscar accepted the way Chopin was different than most women during that period of time because it was a time where women had to act differently and behave a certain way. Even though he died and left her with 6 kids and later her own mom died so she had to be independent and take full responsibility for her family without anyone there to help
One problem that I think Kate Chopin faced that is similar to Mrs. Mallard in the short story. The railroad accident of Brently Mallard. "It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently mallard 's name being the first one on the list of killed."(Kirszner & Mandell 2). This shows how Mrs. Mallard husband when he was announced dead, he was the first one on the list, which makes me think that he was probably someone well-known. As you can see Chopin faced problems of death in her life Like Mallard, her mom had to go through the death of her husband caused by a railroad accident. Many women get married and don 't feel happy about being in the relationship. This can happen sometimes because the relationship is really demanding. Kate Chopin age of 19 got married to Oscar Chopin, a Louisiana cotton worker. According to gradesaver, Oscar was a great man to Kate. "A gentleman, Oscar tolerated Kate 's unconventional ways, even though relatives warned him not to. He treated Kate as an intellectual equal and apparently did not mind that she smoke, drank and behaved as her own person. "(Gradesaver 1). As you can see this show how Oscar accepted the way Chopin was different than most women during that period of time because it was a time where women had to act differently and behave a certain way. Even though he died and left her with 6 kids and later her own mom died so she had to be independent and take full responsibility for her family without anyone there to help