Whereas the demographics of the college-educated women in America has changed over the last generation, including those of more diverse backgrounds; and whereas exposure to peers with a diversity of backgrounds, opinions and experiences provides a richer educational and social development of character, which is among the tenants of the Kappa mission; and whereas with the new structure Kappa needs to attract and inspire many more volunteers, especially those in senior leadership roles; and whereas the true, beautiful and the good come in all shapes and colors and backgrounds and we as Kappas aspire to live and lead by those tenants fully; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED Kappa Kappa Gamma establish a task force to develop a plan to diversify Kappa’s a) membership; b) leadership; c) programming in order to have the most robust organization that truly reflects our values. Motion Adopted
Whereas Kappa Kappa Gamma is an organization of women with an understanding of and an allegiance to positive ethical …show more content…
This will preserve our heritage and, at the same time, be more meaningful to our membership and preserve the dignity and integrity of our brand.
Amended Motion: The fleur-de-lis is a recognizable symbol of Kappa Kappa Gamma; and whereas, the current fleur-de-lis being used looks like an anatomical organ; be it RESOLVED that the current fleur-de-lis be redesigned and preserve the dignity and integrity of our