Juvenile Transfer Laws Alonza Thomas was a 15 year old teenager with no prior convictions or a record. He decided to run away from home and found himself staying with someone he thought he could trust. Unfortunately, the man he was staying with demanded that Thomas was to rob a gas station to pay him back in return for staying in his house and eating his food. The man supplied Thomas with a loaded gun to rob a gas station.…
Edward Humes vents his disappointments about the juvenile justice system in No Matter How Loud I Shout. As a counselor and teacher of juvenile delinquents in LA County, Humes depicts huge numbers of his experiences. He talks about the general juvenile justice system in the United States, yet additionally limits it down to the system of his district as he depicts one year of cooperations with seven delinquents. All through, Humes brings up a significant number of the weaknesses that he has gotten comfortable with through his work. Humes contends that the gaps in the system, the absence of care by authorities, and the misrepresented responses of people in general exacerbate a terrible circumstance much than it ought to be…
This chapter takes an in depth look at the literature on diversion programs,the different types of programs, its effectiveness, and participation requirements. Youth in the juvenile justice system often reflect a variety of high-risk elements that include inadequate family support, school failure, negative peer groups, and lack of utilization of community-based services(NCJRS). In order to address some of these high risk elements, we typically divert the youth through the use of diversion programs. A diversion program can be classified as any program that allows a youth to avoid official processing.(Wilson & Hodge, 2013) When juveniles are re-introduced back into the community we must look to address the issues that landed them in the system…
During the 1930’s implementations of what was known as the Chicago Area Project began to take shape. This approached was directed towards juvenile individuals and to reduce those associated with criminal activities. This was attempted by improving the physical appearance of surrounding neighborhoods, recreational activities, and direct member involvement with troubled youth via either school or courtroom. Unfortunately, there was no way of evaluating the effectiveness during its original conception, it wasn’t apparent till a review was publish be the Rand Corporation, declaring the program was effective at reducing juvenile delinquency. The process began with a focus on only three areas known to have the highest crime rates in the area, to…
As an intake worker for the Criminal Diversion Program (CDP), which the program is offered to the first-time offenders for charges of underage consumption and misdemeanor drug possession. A client by the name of Justin was referred to our program for underage consumption and misdemeanor drug possession and immediately the University of Rhode Island Individual Change Assessment (URICA) was presented to him to complete in order to find his readiness to change or not. An URICA is a self-assessment tool aimed to measure the level of an individual’s motivation to transform their behavior as they progress through a process known as the stages of change such as the pre-contemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance phases (Neal, 2011). Below…
The current debate on the juvenile justice reform in the United States focuses on the root of racial and money-based mistakes in the in jail youth population. The school to prison pipeline has been described as one method that targets young people in schools and funnels them into the youth related justice system. Zero tolerance policies in schools have increased the numbers of young people facing detention. Low-income youth, youth of color and youth with learning and thinking-related disabilities are over-represented in the justice system and (surprisingly more than you would expect) targeted by zero tolerance policies (The Sentencing Project).…
I have described some of the diversion programs that are used commonly below. Intensive Community Supervision. Juveniles have the opportunity to continue about their everyday lives with school and their families. This includes reporting to a probation counselor very frequently with a bare minimum of twice a…
Adult state jails serve to contain, punish, and separate potentially dangerous criminals from society, however juvenile state jails set out to rehabilitate our troubled youth. The government understands the differences between the brains of a fully grown adult and the brains of our youth community, therefore rather than lock away and forget about the youth, as we do with adults in state jails or prisons, the government invests in the rehabilitation of our youth through programs like the D.M.C. or the Disproportionate Minority Confinement. Youth state jails, controlled under the J.J.D.P. or Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, serve as a means of rehabilitation for the troubled youth. Shay Bilchik, the administrator of the Juvenile Justice…
Around 100 years ago, the juvenile justice system was established in order to divert youthful offenders from the courts harsh punishments which has long lasting effects. The juvenile justice system focused and encouraged rehabilitation based on a juveniles individual needs. This system created for minors was to differ from those of the adult courts in a number of ways. Instead of focusing on the criminal act that had brought the juvenile offender into the court room in the first place, this system was designed to focus on the minor or juvenile as a person who was in need of assistance.…
Since President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice in 1967 explains Thomas (1977) diversion programs were put in place as an intervention to remove or minimize the labeling associated with offending for first time offenders with petty charges, “equity in handling youth”, and eliminate any formally processing (p.2). Chapter 938 of Wisconsin’s Statute titled “Juvenile Justice Code” states legislature’s (2015-16) intent is “to promote a juvenile justice system capable of dealing with the problem of juvenile delinquency, a system which will protect the community, impose accountability for violations of law and equip juvenile offenders with competencies to live responsibly and productively. To effectuate this intent,…
One of the major goals of any justice system that values restoration is to reduce its recidivism rate to the lowest possible level through personal transformation. National research clearly shows that placing juveniles in the adult justice system does not reduce recidivism levels and actually causes higher levels of subsequent crime. A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study shows that placing youth in the adult justice system leads to a thirty-four percent increase in recidivism and a seventy-seven percent increase in the…
As suggested in the research gathered, alternatives could include a shorter sentence, community servicing and addressing mental illnesses and providing medical help to those needed rather than incarcerating. Setting an age limit on allowing the certification of juveniles into adult courts would be another useful alternative to target juvenile…
Diversion and Probation Diversion programs are available to certain defendants who are classified as unable to comprehend the punitive system. This can be the mentally ill, or someone who would benefit from treatment other than imprisonment. According to Schmalleger and Ortiz Smykla (2015), Diversion is a program created where the accused chooses to participate by undergoing treatment, such as drug or alcohol, mental health services, employment counseling, and education and training.…
Rehabilitation The goal of rehabilitation, whether while incarcerated or through less punitive measures such as diversion programs, is to help offenders reform and treat the vices in their lives that cause them to break the law. “The process of engaging individuals in efforts to change their criminal attitudes and dispositions can be viewed…
Diversion is a type of sentencing that will spare non-dangerous offenders the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction by deferring them to other forms of corrections such as community-based programs that offer treatment (Siegel & Worral, 2012). An example of this would be a minor being sent to a community rehab center instead of being processed in the juvenile court…