The major symbolic event was that Walter McMillian was falsely accused and that it happened in Monroeville. Very similar case like in To Kill a Mockingbird, right? Bryan shows his frustration on how the town gloats about the towns famous association with Harper Lee but its ashamed of how they can’t see the message Lee used to portray racial violence. This symbol that Bryan uses is to show how hypocritical people really become when it starts to do with race. One day your town is proud of its connection with Harper Lee and the building named after her but the next day your rooting to get an innocent black man killed because of his skin …show more content…
It talks about a man who fought the corrupt system and gave people hope. He talks about racial profiling and the injustices the court provides. Bryan Stevenson picks apart police by mentioning how corrupt they are and how they will force plant evidence and false testimonies to get you life or even worse death. He tackles problems involving corruption and mentioning stories involving his clients. What also inspires the reader would be his compassionate attitude and his hopeful spirit. When things are dark he will always look to the brighter side. Bryan was not perfect, he had his moments off loss, but its his drive for clarity and conclusions that kept him going. He is not the type to drop after one major loss, he will continue to fight the system and make differences just like he did with Walter McMillian. Bryan sets a theme of life and good, no matter how much racist police officers or judges there are. What’s most important is how he talks when you read the book. You don’t hear anger or rage, but instead you would hear disappointment, and then hope. He was himself a target of racial profiling and still was able to have faith to continue to fight for his clients. Another big example he uses to portray injustice in a sense would be his juvenile cases. He shows how unfair the system can be when integrating kids in prison. He uses an example with a boy named Charlie that was tried as an adult