In Jurassic Park III, the storyline left the park concept behind and added a second island that had its own set of dinosaurs. This island contained the Spinosaurus, which was a super dinosaur that had the ability to conquer the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Fortunately, the storyline in Jurassic World was and is in no way disappointing. Though there is a genetically modified super dinosaur, the creation and concept of this monster is fantastic and works well with the whole concept.
The CGI, computer-generated imagery, had been my second fear. In the commercials for Jurassic World, the raptors looked CGI, and I could not help but worry that it would ruin the movie. However, like in the other movies, animatronics are used and the CGI works out well, on the dinosaurs that is. There are helicopter scenes where the helicopters look rather toy-like and those scenes are almost laughable.
Something I found surprising in Jurassic World was the humor. In the first two movies there had been a small amount of it, but they were more serious films. In Jurassic World, the amount of humor was unexpected and delightful. In my opinion, Chris Pratt’s character, Owen, brings the movie together with his tough, sensitive, and funny personality. The other actors and actresses play their roles perfectly as well, and I love how they incorporated parts from the old movies into this new