The 14 Year Old Father “I’m going to find her,” he said. “I’m not going to stay alone” (Schmidt 87). 14 year old Joseph is quite a character. His true love, Madeline, passes away giving birth to their baby, Jupiter, who is in foster care. In “Orbiting Jupiter”, Joseph pretends to be strong and unsusceptible; however, he is unquestionably defiant, courageous, and sensitive.…
19. Pluto is no longer considered a planet, and is considered a dwarf planet because it has not “cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. This saying pretty much means that Pluto has gained control of the gravity around it. So astronomers made a name for these planets known as the dwarf planets, to show that it is a planet that continues to orbit the sun, but it hasn’t cleared the neighborhood. 20.…
The Little Planet that Couldn’t, Pluto’s fall from the Big 9. Pluto. The last of the nine large objects that orbits the sun was removed from the list of planets. Pluto was removed from the planet list and was classified as a dwarf plant. This not only changed countless textbooks across the globe, it has removed a little piece from the hearts of all that learned and loved the last little guy in line; far, far across the solar system.…
This report has two major parts of the main body: the atmosphere of Pluto and surface of Pluto. For atmosphere part, I discussed its unusual extended range, composition, and the escape of atmospheric atoms. Atoms of tholins in the atmosphere can affect both the colour of haze and the ground of Pluto. The second part contains the geological features on Pluto, including two distinctive regions: Sputnik Platinum and Tombaugh Regio. In this part, further interactions of the atmosphere and geological activities on the surface are discussed, as well as how these geological features affect the colour and brightness of the overall appearance.…
In my science class we were assigned an assignment on gas planets. My teacher asked us to make a travel brochure on a gas planet. The expectation was that we needed to have overall brochure planet information, a life support system (hotel design), an alien drawing with a description, travel time, and a good effort and design. This assignment related to other assignments we had been given because we were previously learning about the solar system. The point of this assignment was to get a better understanding of the gas planets and to see if we would have what it takes for humans to survive on the gas planet we chose.…
Pluto-the planet, not the dog- has become an overnight sensation. Everyone is talking about Pluto and how much we’re about to learn, thanks to New Horizons. Next week, the spacecraft will be closer than it’s ever been to the ex-planet. Journalist are personifying the planet when captioning photos taken of it and its moons. For example, one photo was captioned “Pluto Poses with Largest Moon in Family Photo”, giving the planet the skills of a model.…
Atmosphere: The atmosphere of Pluto is complex in many ways. It is made of nitrogen with very small amounts of methane and carbon monoxide, which are all vaporized from ice on Pluto's surface. When Pluto is closer to the Sun in its orbit the Sun heats up the ice on PLuto and releases nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide on Pluto's surface. These ice vaporizes and forms a temporary atmosphere. When Pluto moves farther from the Sun the atmosphere freezes and goes back onto Pluto's surface.…
Astronomers from the International Astronomical Union (IAU), an organization that functions as an international consensus marker in astronomy, were assigned the task of voting on the definition of planets. Some have criticized that this discussion amongst scientists was not without political and non-scientific emotions or nostalgia. One rendition of the definition would have kept Pluto as a planet and included Eris and Ceres, boosting the number of planets to twelve. Still another recommendation kept the total planets at nine, keeping Pluto and the other recognized planets, but without providing scientific logic behind it. And finally, the third proposition, which would remove Pluto as a planet, dropping the number down to eight.…
Is Pluto a planet? This is the question many astronomers are debating. Pluto used to be considered a planet but back in 2006, it was taken of its title and was considered a dwarf planet. Many astronomers believe Pluto is a planet, and many believe it is not. This is a modern day debate for astronomers.…
Neptune is also known as the is a dark, cold, and windy planet that’s been discovered in 1846 by John Couch Adams, Johann Gottfried Galle, and Urbain Le Verrier. The reason for Neptune being -10 degrees is because it’s eight planets away from the sun. A way to describe Neptunes physical features is “Neptune has an incredibly thick atmosphere comprised of 74% hydrogen, 25% helium and approximately 1% methane. Its atmosphere also contains icy clouds and the fastest winds recorded in the solar system. Particles of icy methane and minor gases in the extremities of the atmosphere give Neptune its deep blue colour.”…
Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system, and also the biggest planet out of them all. Jupiter is two and a half times bigger than all of the planets combined. With a telescope, Jupiter was the first planet to be seen without trying to use a naked eye. Jupiter is about 484 miles away from the sun. Gravity is about 24.79 miles squared.…
On the right side of the painting, there are two men sitting on a bench. The man who is further right is an older man because of his beard. He is sitting with a younger man, presumable the youngest in the painting. This young man has no sign of a beard and we are also not able to see his muscles, which we can see in the other men. In classical Greece, young men were depicted at women in paintings.…
About 20 years ago, kids in school learned about nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These nine planets orbited the Sun, and they were the only planets that mattered. But things have changed, and the reign of the Nine is officially over. Most famously, Pluto was demoted to “dwarf planet” status in 2006. Bigger shifts in our understanding of the planetary population, however, actually began a decade earlier:…
According to science a planet is a celestial body that is in the orbit of the sun, has a certain mass and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. A dwarf planet is also a celestial body that orbits the sun, has a certain mass, but has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and is not a satellite. This is what we use to classify planets but we don’t have an actual definition for the word planet. Pluto has been a part of our solar system for a long time now, but the question is Pluto a planet is still upon us. Some consider Pluto a planet and some consider it a dwarf planet.…
There are two women looking at the man in an almost lustful perspective. There is also an eagle sitting close to the man which might represent the sheer power of the man. The setting of the painting is in the clouds which portrays high power and the man is even leaning on a cloud. The artist painted Jupiter and Thetis with definite…