As with most mainstream expressions, there is some truth in the adage, "Great leaders are conceived, not made.” To some degree, the limit for awesome authority is inherent. Nevertheless, figuring out how to be a more viable leader is inside of everybody 's grip. Leaders, given their positions of impact, sizably affect our lives. Amazingly, a significant part of the literature written today is given to seeing how parts of constructive leader behaviors shape individual and organizational effectiveness and destructive leader behaviors misshapen and decrease company effectiveness. Destructive leadership behaviors involve the negative outcomes that result from a confluence of destructive leaders, helpless followers, and favorable situations.
Destructive leadership behavior (DLB) is characterized as the orderly and repeated conduct by a leader, boss or manager that abuses the real enthusiasm of the company by undermining and/or disrupting the companies objectives, assignments, assets, and viability and/or the inspiration, prosperity or employment fulfillment of his/her subordinates. In other words, they are toxic individuals who engage in destructive behaviors with characteristics of being incompetent, intemperate, corrupt, and even evil. After some personal reflection and receiving a score of 28 on the self-assessment, the results clearly indicate an absence of behaviors of destructive leadership. …show more content…
Possible score ranges from 28-140. The higher the score, the greater your leader’s destructive behavior. An inclining towards destructive behavior is an ugly characteristic of any leader, however it still warrants immediate attention because it is a genuine issue. We would be guileless to go about as though there is a cure; in any case, understanding DLB can help a leader in his or her diligent work to decrease its most noticeably bad impacts on followers. Organizations are effective or not halfway on the premise of how well their leaders lead, additionally in incredible part on the premise of how well their followers take after. Since followership is enormously underestimated in the public eye and in business, to the impairment of organization performance, too little consideration is set on the advancement of solid and skilled followers (Grayson & Speckhart, 2006, p. 1). Followers have an obligation to talk up. What 's more, the organization, in the event that it wishes to be reasonably fruitful, has an equivalent commitment to make the atmosphere for them to securely do as such. The sooner we perceive and acknowledge our effective position as leaders, the sooner we can completely create dependable, synergistic connections in our place of work (Chaleff, 2016). This happens when DLB are identified and a clear and concise solution is implemented. It can also occur when leaders, in blend with followers and environments, hurt constituents or harm organizations occur, then destructive leadership has happened. In order to prevent this type of behavior it needs to start in the Human Resources department. Conceivably destructive leadership may be recognized in the employment and advancement process where evaluations of narcissism and negative personality types are identified (Hogan & Hogan, 2001, p. 40-51). Leaders with unhealthy levels of narcissism in their personality believe only one’s own interests are important. Thankfully, there are other effective tools out there to identify these characteristics. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Jung Typology Test) is one of the most frequently used tools in leadership development programs around the world. It provides information about a person’s preferred style of behaving and thinking, and can help build self-awareness and emotional intelligence ("Myers & Briggs Foundation," 2016). Yet many who take it put it away in a drawer and forget their profile because they don’t understand the significance. Clearly there is a significance for it in the hiring process as well as for personal use and college papers. My results are as follows: Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (ENFJ). ENFJ represents individual 's