HUM 101 Essay I
Prof A.Sungkakitkarone
Sept. 29, 2017 After reading the three passages I know have a better understanding about certain cultures and how much their beliefs are valued. That doing something out of the norm for them can get you to be seen as dishonoring. I feel like that something I can relate with those beliefs that each author explained in their stories. In my cultural background as the youngest girl of three in a Hispanic family, my life is a little tougher for the reason that my parents are stricter with me. Being around others and seeing you are the only one with these values gives you a whole new perspective of life. You not only see things different but react to certain circumstances differently. In the …show more content…
Everyone in the family takes good care of their hair and are proud the type of hair they have. “It is a natural extension of who we are.”(44) This means it’s just part of what make them who they are. Something that is a same belief as her is in my culture at home is to always remain humble your whole life, no matter where you are or what your status may be. However, later on in the passage Meeta, decides to go ahead and cut her long hair because her perspective on having long her changes because other friends through college. Seeing different types of hair styles made her realize that having all this hair needs a lot of maintenance and it just wasn’t for her. She goes to explain that she belongs to the world and it is a better source of authority for her. In addition, that her and her parents conversations grow apart. The cutting of her hair is a decision that she wants to be herself and it’s a sense of self exploration. Later on, her mother saw her new decision and was really disappointed at her. Her mother believe that it was symbol of ‘Identity’ and because of her strong decision of changing herself amongst others in her family, her mother exiles/deports her from her homeland which means Meeta is now consider a foreigner. To relate this to myself, I have never done something that my whole family was disappointed or even just mostly my parents. However, I feel that if so were to happen this would be the same reaction I’d get