Joseph Schumpeter's Theory Of Entrepreneurship

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An entrepreneur is someone who is employed under nobody and starts or buys a business unit and nourishes it by his/her own mental energies like ambition, love for risk and creativity. Wikipedia defines an ‘entrepreneur’ as the one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. Entrepreneurship is the resource and process which result in innovative opportunities in the market that help in the creation of new business firms from conception to exit. Perhaps the most prominent entrepreneurship economist of the 20th Century was Joseph Schumpeter. In 1912, Schumpeter developed the foundations of his theory of entrepreneurship. His theory describes a dynamic process in
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It includes the following
Entrepreneurs takes Opportunity to achieve Control over thier Own Destiny
Entrepreneurs controlling their own particular fates as one of the profits of owning their own particular organizations. Owning a business gives ambitious people the freedom and the chance to attain what is very important to them. The entrepreneurs utilize their business to achieve their desire in their life. Wendy Wade at the age of 57, who worked as HR executive for nine years and later turns in to consultant feel that she could able to take control of her destiny which includes financial destiny.
Opportunity to Make a Difference
Progressively, business people are beginning organizations in light of the fact that they see a chance to have any kind of effect in a cause that is vital to them. Known as social business people, these business developers try to discover creative answers for some of society's most pressing and most difficult issues. Business people are discovering approaches to consolidate their attentiveness toward social issues and their longing to acquire great livings. In spite of the fact that they see the essentialness of building reasonable, feasible organizations, social ambitious people's essential objective is to utilize their organizations to have a constructive effect on the
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• Kirzner I M (1973), Competition and Entrepreneurship, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
• Ames Michael and Runco Mark A (2005), "Predicting Entrepreurship from Ideation and Divergent Thinking", Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 311-315.
• Blanchflower D G and Oswald A J (1998), "What Makes an Entrepreneur?", Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 161, pp. 26-60.
• Davis S N, Keegan R T and Gruber H E (in press), "Creativity as Purposeful Work: The Evolving Systems Approach", in Runco M A (ed.), Creativity Research Handbook, Vol. 3, Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ.
• Coven J G and Slevin D P (1991), “A Conceptual Model of Entrepreneurship as Firm Behavior” Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol. 16 No. 1.
• Schumpeter J A (1934), The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
• Schumpeter J A (1950), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Harper & Row, New

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