John Stuart Mill's Pursuit Of Happiness

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John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of happiness is true in ways that following his logic will lead to unfound joys. From personal observations that make us ask where do some people become so happy or have the ease in life that others do not are answered by what Mill says. Asking ourselves if we really are happy is a chain of events that can disillusion us with doubt and will lead us to reassess why we are not happy. The article In Pursuit of Happiness by Darrin M. McMahon, the author compliments Mill’s quote with similar ideas like doing something beneficial to society will compensate in joy. John Stuart Mill’s quote is true about happiness by asserting that humans must pull away from thinking about being happy and the judgment on whether they are really happy or not by explaining his method to find a real and eternal happiness. Throughout grade school, there was always that person who did not seem to have a single worry and passed obstacles with little effort. If someone over thinks the objective, and thinks about their satisfaction of completing the task, they lose their train of thought and lose sight of what they were doing in the first place. Like Mill said, “the enjoyments …show more content…
“Once make them so, and they are immediately felt to be insufficient. They will not bear a scrutinizing examination. Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.” John S. Mill is saying that when we ask ourselves we might start to leave some room for doubt and question our happiness. He also tells us what the solution is to our doubt on whether we are happy or not, “The only chance is to treat, not happiness, but some end external to it, as the purpose of life.” Mills argument supports itself to be true when finding happiness because he gives a solution to each of the arguments he makes, so if you have disillusioned yourself, follow Mills methods to be

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