John Proctor Flaws

Decent Essays
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A hero’s actions also defines him/her as a hero. For example, Malcolm X could be a hero to people for what he accomplished during the Civil Rights Movement. In literature, tragic hero is a protagonist with a fatal flaw that eventually leads to his/her death. Throughout The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor is considered the tragic hero. Many people throughout The Crucible many of the characters had many foibles. John Proctor has the most foibles out of all of them. John biggest flaw is his pride. Throughout The Crucible there are multiple times where John is forced to make decisions that could go against his pride and his name. …show more content…
John is upset because Mary Warren (his house worker) is forbidden to leave the house and go to Salem. John Proctor is respected but feared by Mary Warren because he always threatens to beat or whip her if she does not listen to his commands. Proctor is a man of his word and is not afraid of what his consequence is because he is a moral man and lives by his own rules. Throughout the time period that The Crucible takes place, if you owned land you were highly respected and were superior to others. John Proctor was a farmer and most likely produced food and other things for Salem. By John owning land he is looked to and highly respected. For example, when the court planned on nailing John’s confession to the church door, the court was hoping that more people would start to confess because of the weight of John’s name in Salem. By this you can tell the weight that John Proctor’s name carries in Salem. Throughout The Crucible John Proctor slowly grows into the tragic hero of the play. Proctor is a person who is admired but is also feared and is not afraid to speak his mind. John Proctor thought he was doing something but having the court hang him. By this John was making a point. Through his actions John is the tragic hero of The

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