Discuss the primary motivations for the settling of Massachusetts (New England), Pennsylvania (Middle), and Virginia (Southern) colonies. Land, work, and freedom of religion were all encouraged colonists to settle the New World. As the English Civil War had raged on, religion in England had become extremely unstable, which encouraged many people to travel overseas for sanctuary. Such a colony, Plymouth, in Pennsylvania was founded under the Mayflower compact to tolerate Puritanism. However, religion wasn’t the only concern. The ability to obtain property and an occupation had become difficult resulting in a migration to areas such as Virginia and Massachusetts. Upon settling, colonists were designated land for little …show more content…
Due to the influential ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence as a petition for both Political/ Economical Independence and individual freedom. Primarily, Jefferson was influenced by John Locke’s philosophy, especially the thought of natural rights and natural law. This specifically concerns moral truths and humane liberties such as the right to life and liberty. These natural rights are written into the Declaration of Independence as the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Moreover, Jefferson paid particular attention to the right the people had concerning their government (Political Obligation). Locke stated that everyone must actively participate in their government (vote) and that if someone didn’t agree with a particular action/ law it was their duty to peacefully protest. Under the influence of Thomas Paine, many ideas were reiterated. Paine’s pamphlet, “Common Sense” inspired many to rise for the Revolution. Paine’s also emphasized the importance of a democracy. In effect, Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence has shaped our government and is the reason we don’t have a …show more content…
Those that desired to separate were known as patriots. Those that hoped to maintain relations with Britain were known as loyalists. Loyalists believed that a strong and unified Britain was beneficial for everyone and that without Britain the colonies would be too weak to survive on their own. Additionally loyalists concluded that because they were British subjects that were obligated to obey British laws and pay British taxes. Loyalists were of the opinion that because the colonies were so far away from Britain it would be impractical to have representation in British parliament. On the other hand, patriots believed that because they didn’t have representation in parliament that shouldn’t be held to paying taxes and obeying laws. Hence, the government shouldn’t be allowed to take away rights of the colonists. Furthermore, it was widely conversed that because the colonists had fought in the French and Indian War they had done their part. In effect, the colonists were divided in wanting to separate from England, helping to cause a long and drawn out