Lately in the news and media, there have been many cases of racial profiling and police shootings. This topic seems to be increasing throughout the media and it is getting out of hand. An example of this is when Trayvon Martin suffered a fatal tragedy when he was racially profiled by an on duty police officer. The victim was completely innocent, and he was coming back from the store at night time with possession of skittles and his hoodie was on. In the article, “Jim Crow Policing,” Bob Herbert provides statistics about Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites stopped and frisked by racial profiling. This article is explaining how police officers in New York City racial profile and Herbert expresses his views on this topic because he believes this is getting out of control and need’s to be under control.
In the article, Herbert discusses that the New York Police Department needs to be restrained. He feels Minorities are getting no type of respect and are getting …show more content…
In paragraph 5 he states, “Rather than a legitimate crime fighting tool, these stops are a despicable, racially oriented tool of harassment. And the police are using it at the increasingly enthusiastic direction of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and police commissioner Ray Kelly.” Herbert's use of pathos strengthens his argument because this use of pathos is a following a statistic of blacks, hispanics, and whites found with contraband and weapons. The statistic shows how whites are found with more contraband and weapons but they are stopped far less frequently. This is important because it shows that the targeted people are blacks and hispanics, but in reality the ones committing most of the crimes are whites. I believe it's unfair that minorities are targeted because the color of their skin while whites are behind the scenes getting away with things committing