Jesus as Servant Leader
As followers of Jesus Christ, our mission or purpose is very clear, we are to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others by becoming an effective servant leader. “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man …show more content…
Northouse (2013) goes on to say that transformational leaders are attentive to both the needs and motivations of their followers and they seek ways to connect with followers so that their fullest potential can be discovered. Jesus is the ultimate transformational leader and longs to change the lives of people. Jesus was not content with the status quo, but challenged the thoughts, ideas, and values of his followers, so that transformation and a deepening of their relationship with God could occur (Fryar, 2007). Biblical study reveals that scripture is full of examples of lives that were transformed by Jesus and a relationship with him. Consider the disciples, Jesus did not choose those most likely to succeed or those with the most polished skills to carry out his mission. Instead, he chose those most unlikely to lead, mere fishermen, and then spent three years developing and training them before sending them out to carry on his ministry. Jesus inspired, equipped, and prepared the disciples to become both leaders and leader-makers (Fryar, 2007). Jesus desires to do the same in the lives of his followers today. As Christian leaders, we too must be open to the transformative power that only a relationship with Jesus Christ can have on our …show more content…
They have high moral and ethical values and followers place a great deal of trust in them. Charisma is often associated with transformative leaders. Even though Jesus was seen as a social misfit and his followers often misunderstood him, there was something so compelling and authentic in his message and life and love for others that it drew people to him (Fryar, 2007). No matter where Jesus went, crowds of people were drawn to him and came to listen to him.
Inspirational Motivation – Communicating the high expectations for followers and then motivating them to accomplish those goals is a characteristic of an effective transformational leader. Jesus inspired and equipped his followers to do some remarkable things, things they never could have done on their own, but were only accomplished because of who Jesus was and his relationship with them.
Intellectual Stimulation – Leadership that challenges followers to be innovative and creative in accomplishing their goals. Transformational leaders encourage followers to develop new and unique ways to solve problems within the organization. Jesus took the risk of rocking boats, he challenged the values, ideals, and thoughts of his followers (Fryar, 2007). Yet, Jesus did not advocate change for the sake of change, but always with his purpose and mission in