Jehovah's Witnesses

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As I experienced one of the most diverse and culturally different religion outside my own from being a Christian, I come to realize that I’ve have learned more about Jehovah’s Witnesses than what I believed. As I see them as people speaking about their religion and going door to door to preach their word, I’ve learned that their religion related to Christianity is separate and have their own views about life and after life. Jehovah’s Witnesses also deal with issues viewed on a wise basis.
Having friends with many religion backgrounds and having a few friends that have become my informants while participation in Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall, Word Studies, and Conventions; has enticed me to dig deeper into their religion as Jehovah Witnesses.
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They feel like the New Testaments misguides the true beliefs of the bible. As I have now dug deeper into their religion, I could see how kind and friendly they are, but also noticing how more closed minded that Witnesses are of other religions. Most of the general population looks at Jehovah’s Witnesses in ungodly rude ways, but I feel it comes with ignorance. Even with the acceptance of other religions, the truth is hard to accept other beliefs in the religious society. Sadly, there are other religions that are open to other faiths; but in the end, each individual religion has its own beliefs and if they cannot be more open to other religions, if feel like it just …show more content…
And How do you feel when others treat you badly because of your religion?” Her response was, “The Watchtower has profited the lives of many individuals by accomplishing the many objectives in her life. Jehovah’s Witnesses are by and large earnest, clean-living individuals that commit their lives to serving Jehovah in the way endorsed by the Watchtower, through consistent lecturing and meeting participation. Being a Jehovah’s Witness does not make a similar level of issues of society that specific fanatic association and faction have done. One of the most charming parts of being a Witness is the companions that can be made through the assembly and the expansive assortment of individuals that can be met through Conventions. In any case, this is not extraordinary to being a Jehovah’s Witness. I have companions of various religious categories that have developed worldwide fellowships through the exercises of their church; and far as how others react towards me is the least of my worries. I am a true believer in what I believe in, she stated. I am more worried and concern about the harm created through endless lives throughout decades as a Jehovah’s Witness. The blame is not with the followers, but with the system; especially the way in which Watchtower pioneers drive supporters to

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