Until one day he went to work and saw that the barn across the street was for sale, so he went over to the owner of the barn, Old Man Wickles, and he was talking to a man James has never seen before, his name was Jim Lidtke and he had bought the barn and said he was going to turn it into a mill. About a month later, Jim Lidtke had finished the mill. The very next day there was a sign on the front of the building that said “Help Wanted,” so James Peterson went …show more content…
The sound came from behind him, he slowly turned around, and laying on the desk was the deed to the barn. Mr. Lidtke was frozen in terror. He couldn’t move, he could only look around. Then finally, when he had regained movement in his body, he burst full sprint for the door which was wide open. Right before he got to the door it slammed shut, he tugged on the door as hard as he could… It wouldn’t budge… Days went by, no one came looking for him. Weeks went by no one came looking until finally Mr. Lidtke had the guts to yell out “ Hey you stupid ghost come and get me”. All of a sudden there was a huge wind and pushed Jim back about 5 feet, then a drifty ghost appeared. Jim could barely see him, then all of a sudden another ghost picked up the man and took him to a secret room. Mr. Lidtke yelled let me go and the ghost puts his dense, hard to see finger over his lips and went shhhh and the man