This restricted Joyce from going back to Clongowes Wood. Therefore, from 1893 to 1897, Joyce attends a cheaper day school called Belvedere College in Dublin where his fondness for writing takes root (“Joyce, James”). The most part of Joyce’s school years are important for two events that occur at age fourteen. The first was his invitation to the schools “Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. The second, just a week after the first, Joyce come across his first sexual experience with a Dublin prostitute …show more content…
On his free time, he took on a variety of jobs; that of a journalist, a teacher, and, like his father, pursued other occupations with his lack of financial support (“Joyce, James”). However, the lectures given in French was one Joyce’s education on the language did not prepare him to face (European Graduate School). It was in Paris where he met the German poet Teodor Daubler and his “compatriot the playwright John Millington Synge” (“Joyce, James”). After a year in France, he received a telegram in April of 1903 about a fatal illness his mother had (“James Joyce”). He returned to Ireland and despite his mother’s attempts to get him to return to Catholic Church, James remained unmoved even after her death in the August of the same year (European Graduate