The sole strategy of power is no longer deduction, it is one form next to a newer form, one not bent on seizing but one that generates forces, but makes them grow and organizes them, “The right which was formulated as the ‘power of life and death’ was in reality the right to take life or let live” (Foucault 136). This meant people were to be governed and have their life either in control of a higher power that had their lives in their hands. This is how they were able to rage wars, they were capable of giving people the sense of right to kill other people, “The principle underlying the tactics of battle—that one has to be capable of killing in order to go on living—has become the principle that defines the strategy of states” (Foucault …show more content…
Make live and let die from man as body to man as species: the birth of biopower and others. Foucault wants to change some things to his yearly long conclusions on the subject of race and its factors contributing to race being socially constructed and not biological. We forward to what he calls State racism and the new factors emerging in either the second half of the eighteenth century and the 19th century. Foucault articulates that one of the basic phenomena of the nineteenth century was what might be called power’s hold over life. He goes on to say that, “the right of life and death was one of sovereignty’s basic attributes”, but that the right of life and death is always exercised in an unbalanced way: the balance is always tipped in favor of death. (Foucault 240). Overall, “The right of sovereignty was the right to take life or let live. And then this new right is established: the right to make live and to let die” (Foucault