Some perks that come with a college degree are, that you are more likely to make a bigger salary than a high school graduate. This came from the video we watched college perks that we had to take notes on. If you make a bigger salary it will take a shorter time college debt. Also if you have kids you will be able to take them to more places: for example Disneyland.
Another example of a college perk is that college graduates are likely to have better health. According to a video we watched in class, you will most likely have more free time and probably will use some of your free time …show more content…
He or she would say that all of what I just wrote might not happen went to college. Therefore the value is low. 10,000 janitors have degrees, and so do 16,000 valet service men according to the article “actually college is very much worth it”. Though my opponent is correct saying that what I wrote previously might not happen. But if you choose a field of study that gives you moderate to great odds of finding a well supporting job and work for it, actually pursuing that career. Chances are janitors and valet service men aren’t really trying to make that career live. Many are not trying to make something better of themselves showing lack of self-confidence. This comes from my father who knows a few janitors degrees. If you treat your higher education correctly and with respect and it will help you land a better job making our salary bigger, making the value of higher education even higher. But don’t treat that gift with respect and dedication it might as well be the last person