The first ever iPhone was invented on June 29, 2007. Steve jobs had created an industry to put people into employment all around the world. The iPhone puts the World's database at their fingertips, not only did it save time and effort but it was fun. Everyone that knew its capabilities knew it was worth it. It provided …show more content…
It started on December 10, 2006. The drugs involved weren't the only object or action being traded and causing trouble in Mexico up to the American border. Most of the violence was caused by the cartels running the drugs and money. They made an increase in human trafficking in Mexico, we don’t know how involved the Cartels were related to this but they surely was.
This affected the Future because after all this happened, all border patrol along the Mexican-American border was heavily advanced. Although the DEA had been already in play, smugglers were able to transport drugs in and out to make profit. This war was fought for one purpose and to keep cartels from running the streets. It did succeed, but not very well, because even today cartels run the streets. What our government and Mexico's government can do is make more laws and law enforcement upon drugs and cartels to prevent other drug …show more content…
We invaded Iraq to find the deadly weapons Saddam Hussein was producing, or we thought. They said no to the U.S. telling Iraq, we would invade them and disarm them. After it was all over, we found no weapons of mass destruction. This was a huge waste to America. We needed to learn from this experience because We lost many troops in Iraq and Donald trump says, “We’ve spent 6 trillion, lost thousands of lives,” in a rally in Charlotte, N.C. America and the World can learn a lot from this, and that is to spend time looking into something before you invest trillions of dollars into a war that you don’t find what you're looking for. This can relate to everyday situations as well. I think this showed America, mainly to slow down in the process of starting wars and other