Back in the time there was a lot of history in the world, South Africa however had many major events happen in the past, related to all the other countries. Since the history of South Africa is rather hard to learn for us Americans, books were published along with a movie called Invictus. This movie has great examples from the past of South Africa. It can also greatly benefited our knowledge of learning the past of South africa. In this paper I will prove that the film, “Invictus”, was historically accurate by discussing the true historical people and events, summarizing the movie, and comparing and contrasting how the movie portrayed the true people and events.
Nelson Mandela played …show more content…
It explained the life of the white and black people in South Africa during the past and how it was crude and harsh. It also explained the rise of a man named Nelson Mandela, when he was put in jail for 27 years of his life, then eventually being released. He even became president and ended apartheid, while the blacks gained the same rights as the whites. This movie was directed by a man named Dir Clint Eastwood. The production company were Perf, Matt Damon. Morgan Freeman played as Nelson Mandela. The Warner Brothers were also included in Invictus. This movie was published in 2009 on Dvd. They planned the start of the movie to be taking place in February in the year 1990. Also in the beginning of the movie it showed how South Africa was a corrupted and harsh environment for the blacks. Racism was a severe factor during apartheid in the past. After Mandela’s service for 27 years in prison he eventually gained the power to become the president of South Africa, since he was now the president of South Africa, he was able to lower the intensity of racism, ended apartheid, and granted equality for the colored. Despite Mandela’s success there are still many racism issues occurring in South Africa today. Another problem is that his wife is worried about his leadership. Even though they were rather harsh to some colored Nelson Mandela wanted the Springbox to remain the same instead of revenge. He did by getting the council to change their decision, leaving the Springbox alone. Since the Spring box lost the captain wanted the team to taste defeat by drinking horrible beer to teach them a lesson. Mandela invites the captain over and wants the team to teach others how to play rugby. Later the Spring box went to clinics to teach the black children to play rugby. The team also went to Mandela’s jail cell to see where he lived for 27 years. Later during the movie, Mandela’s guards noticed Mandela was on the ground passed out, when he was